Walnuts and Your Mood

March 19, 2015
Written by Elise

Walnuts are good for your mood, and not just because you eat them in cookies? We'll show you how.

Of all nuts, walnuts are the only ones with a significant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, substances we need that our bodies cannot make. Many studies of these acids show that people whose diets provide Omega-3 fatty acids often have lower depression levels, which have been both self-reported and psychologically measured. Some studies have even found these acids to be a helpful supplement to depression medication.

Walnuts are also one of the richest food sources of serotonin, a natural chemical that helps trigger feelings of calm and happiness in your brain. Serotonin doesn't have a daily recommended value, but it only takes about 14 walnut halves (1oz or 1/4 cup) to reach the value recommended per day by the National Institutes of Health for Omega-3 fatty acids.

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